What is a URL Slug? A Complete Guide For SEO

In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a solid understanding of the various components that make up a website is crucial. One such component that we often come across is the URL slug. As we navigate numerous web pages, we may not always pay attention to this small yet essential part of the website structure. So, what is a URL slug, and why is it important?

A URL slug refers to the final part of a URL that comes after the backslash (“/”) and serves as a unique identifier of the specific page or post. It represents the website content in an easy-to-read format, helping visitors and search engines better understand the information on the page. Slugs are essential to optimize in SEO, as their structure and readability can impact a website’s search engine rankings. Website owners can boost their content visibility and user experience by optimizing slugs while adhering to SEO best practices.

Key Takeaways

  • A URL slug is the end part of a website’s address, following a slash (“/”) and uniquely identifying a specific webpage.
  • URL slugs are important for SEO as they help search engines better understand the content on the page, improving its ranking in organic search results.
  • Creating an optimized URL slug should be concise yet descriptive, easy to read, and contain relevant target keywords.
  • When creating URL slugs for WordPress and Shopify sites, we can use custom formats incorporating the page’s category or post title.
  • Those using custom-built websites or other platforms without native support for custom slugs can use server-side scripting or web frameworks and .htaccess files to create dynamic rewriting rules.
what is a url slug

URL Slug Definition

A URL slug is the last part of a web address that uniquely identifies a specific webpage while being easily readable. It appears after the domain name or subfolder, following a slash (“/”). For example, in the URL https://example.com/blog/url-slug, the slug is “url-slug”. URL slugs play an essential role in search engine optimization (SEO) as they contribute to a website’s overall rankings.

When creating URL slugs, it’s crucial to keep them concise, descriptive, and easy to read. We recommend using hyphens to separate words and maintain readability. Avoid using special characters, numbers, or uppercase letters, as these can cause confusion and lead to indexing issues with search engines. A well-optimized URL slug will ensure the best possible performance and improve the chances of higher search engine rankings.

SEO benefits from URL slugs because they provide search engines, like Google, with information about the webpage’s content. When a search engine crawls your website, URL slugs indicate the page’s relevancy and help search engines better understand the content you’re providing. As a result, this helps to boost your website’s rankings and improve its visibility in organic search results.

Furthermore, a user-friendly URL slug also enhances user experience. When users see a clear and descriptive URL slug, they can anticipate the content on the page, increasing trust and confidence in your site. Consequently, an optimized URL slug can also contribute to improved click-through rates, lower bounce rates, and increased user engagement.

In summary, a URL slug is a crucial component for SEO and user experience. By optimizing URL slugs, we ensure our website’s content is easily readable, distinguishable, and accessible for both visitors and search engines, leading to better rankings and overall performance.

Why Is A URL Slug Important for SEO?

When optimizing a website for search engines, one aspect that should not be overlooked is the URL slug. URL slugs are the end part of a URL after the backslash (“/”) that identifies the specific page or post. Each slug on our web pages needs to be unique, and they provide readers and search engines alike with information about the contents of a web page or post.

A well-structured URL slug can positively impact search engine optimization (SEO) in multiple ways. Firstly, including the target keyword in the slug reinforces the topic and improves relevancy for search engines. This helps them better understand the content on our page, which in turn can lead to better rankings for related search queries.

Another key factor that makes URL slugs important for SEO is their user-friendliness. A readable and descriptive URL slug helps users understand what our page is about before they click on it. When users can easily comprehend the URL, they are more likely to trust the link and engage with our content. This engagement demonstrates to search engines that our content is valuable to our target audience, and they may reward us with higher search rankings.

To optimize our URL slugs for both users and search engines, we can leverage the following best practices:

  • Keep the slug concise, yet informative by using relevant and descriptive words.
  • Make the slug easy to read by using hyphens to separate words instead of underscores or other symbols.
  • Use lowercase letters in the slug, as they are easier to read and less prone to errors when shared on different platforms.

Overall, by implementing SEO-friendly URL slugs in our web pages, we not only enhance the user experience but also create a strong foundation for our website’s visibility on search engines.

Creating Effective URL Slugs

Readability Factors

When creating URL slugs, it’s important to prioritize readability for both users and search engines. By making our slugs descriptive and easy to understand, we help readers discern the content of the page before even clicking the link. One way to improve readability is by using lowercase letters and using hyphens instead of underscores to separate words, as this makes the slug appear cleaner and more structured. Special characters should also be avoided, as they can cause confusion and negatively impact SEO performance.

Length and Conciseness

We should also aim for our slugs to be concise, keeping them short without sacrificing the necessary information. Lengthy slugs may appear suspicious, deterring users from clicking on the link. Additionally, shorter slugs have better user experience, as they are easier to read and remember. As a general guideline, we should try to limit our slugs to a reasonable number of words while maintaining clarity and relevance.

Optimizing Keywords

Incorporating target keywords in our URL slugs is essential for optimizing SEO performance. We must conduct thorough keyword research to identify the focus keyphrase that best represents the content of our page. By including this keyphrase in the slug, we increase the likelihood of search engines identifying our page for relevant queries. It’s essential to strike a balance between keyword usage and readability, ensuring that our slugs retain a natural, friendly tone.

Through these practices, we can create URL slugs that are not only visually appealing but also contribute positively to our SEO performance and user experience. By considering readability factors, length and conciseness, and optimizing keywords, we ensure that our slugs effectively communicate the content of our pages to both users and search engines.

url slug

URL Slug Best Practices

In this section, we’ll discuss some best practices for creating an effective URL slug.

Maintaining Uniqueness

It’s essential to keep your URL slugs unique, as this helps both readers and search engines identify the specific page or post on your website. Uniqueness also prevents confusion and indexing issues. Ensure that each slug on your site is different, avoiding any duplications.

Hyphens vs. Underscores

When creating a page’s URL slug, it’s important to use hyphens (-) rather than underscores (_). This is because search engines, including Google, treat hyphens as word separators, making your URL slugs more readable and better for SEO. Using underscores, however, may cause search engines to interpret the slug as a single long word, which may negatively impact your SEO efforts.

Avoiding Too Many Numbers

While it’s acceptable to include numbers in your URL slugs, it’s essential not to overdo it. Having too many numbers may make your slug difficult to read and remember, which can hinder user experience and discourage clickthroughs. Whenever possible, stick to using words and meaningful phrases, incorporating numbers only when necessary and relevant to the content.

By following these best practices, we can create URL slugs that effectively convey the content within our pages while keeping them search engine friendly and user-centric.

Implementing Custom URL Structures


With a WordPress website, we can easily set custom URL structures, also known as permalink structures, to include a custom slug. To do this, navigate to Settings and click on Permalinks. From there, we can choose from one of the predefined URL structures or create a custom structure using the available tags.

For example, to create a custom URL structure that incorporates a blog post’s category and post title, we can use the following custom format: /%category%/%postname%/. This will generate a URL path that looks like this: example.com/category/blog-post-title.

We can further customize the URL slugs for individual posts and pages by editing the “Slug” field in the post or page editor.


When it comes to Shopify, we can modify the URL slugs for our products, collections, pages, and blog posts by going to the specific item’s editing page. In the “Search engine listing preview” section, click on “Edit website SEO.” Here, we can update the “URL and handle” input field to create a custom slug. It’s important to note that the changes will need to be consistent with Shopify’s URL structure guidelines.

For example, a product page would follow this URL pattern: example.com/products/custom-product-slug, while a blog post would be: example.com/blogs/custom-blog-slug.

Custom Solutions

For those who use a custom-built website or a platform that doesn’t natively support custom slugs and URL structures, there are still ways to implement this desired functionality. We can leverage server-side scripting languages (like PHP) or web frameworks (such as Django for Python) to create dynamic URL handling methods. This will require a deep understanding of the framework and system being used.

One approach is to create a .htaccess file (for Apache web server) or rewrite rules in Nginx, which will define the desired URL structure and redirect requests accordingly. This method involves writing regular expressions to match URL patterns and then rewrite them as clean, user-friendly slugs.

Remember when implementing custom URL structures, it’s crucial to keep slugs short, incorporate target keywords if possible, and ensure they are unique and descriptive. This will not only improve the user experience but also benefit our site’s SEO performance.

url slugs

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it called a URL slug?

In traditional print media, a “slug” is a short, catchy phrase used to identify an article in production. The term was borrowed in the context of web development to refer to the part of a URL that makes it easier for users to identify the page’s content from the URL alone.

How are URL slugs different from the full URL?

A full URL comprises several components, including the protocol, domain name, and potentially subfolders. A URL slug, on the other hand, is the specific part of the URL that follows the slash (“/”) after the domain name or subfolder. It is unique to each page and aims to provide a quick understanding of the page’s content. For example, in the URL https://example.com/blog/what-is-a-url-slug, the slug is what-is-a-url-slug.

While the full URL serves to locate a resource on the web, the URL slug is designed to provide context and clarity for both readers and search engines. It helps improve user experience and contributes to search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, as a relevant and optimized slug can improve search rankings and click-through rates.

Final Thoughts

URL slugs play a significant role in enhancing user experience and optimizing websites for search engines. By ensuring that your URL slugs are descriptive, concise, and keyword-rich, you can help users and search engines better understand your content. This, in turn, can lead to improved search rankings, higher organic traffic, and a more user-friendly website overall. It’s essential to treat URL slugs as an integral part of your SEO strategy and give them the attention they deserve.